Good for people, good for business, good for Oman

Sustainability is a top priority for companies and governments across the world. As organisations align their businesses with global sustainability practices, they have widened their focus from environmental sustainability to include the vital aspect of social sustainability.

WHO - Card

More productivity

Our accommodation solutions and allied facilities ensure that your employees are happier, healthier and more productive.

ILO - Card

Right to Dignity

RSVD offers ILO-compliant facilities that value, respect and protect the privacy and wellness of your employees.

UN Sustainable Development Goals - Card

Good Health & Wellbeing

Ensuring healthy lives and wellbeing for all ages is one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Worker Welfare

How employers benefit

Icon Wellbeing


Overall worker wellbeing leading to improved safety performance, higher productivity and efficiency

Icon Health


Lower downtime for sickness leading to better mental health and higher performance

Icon - Attrition


Lower rates of attrition and being an employer of choice

bath icon

Gym & Fitnes

Nullam venenatis, massa eget malesuada porta, ligula justo porta leo, efficitur justo sit ameta.

pool icon

Swimming Pool

Etiam id sem consequat, posuere augue ac, rutrum nibh efficitur ex vitae faucibus venenatis eget.

Icon - Belonging


A sense of belonging and commitment to the employer

Icon - Wastage

No Wastage

Lower utility consumption, better waste management, greener outcomes

Icon - Progress (Omanization)


Attracting young Omanis to work in remote locations, with safe facilities for women

Icon - Healthy Competition

Healthy Competition

Level playing field of standards and costs for competitive tendering

Icon - Sustainability


Social sustainability, along with business and economic sustainability

Icon - Sustainability

ICV Guarantee

Investment in RSVD is considered as part of ICV spend